Integrated Practice puts your creativity to the service of your health and your personal and professional goals. Click here to find out more. ✓ My books are here. ✓ My voice work for all comers is here. ✓ My music life is here.

What is Integrated Practice?

Enter a new world. Photo by Pedro de Alcantara.
I’ve been exploring the intersection of creativity and health for more than forty years. My sources of inspiration include the Alexander Technique, aikido, the insights of Carl Jung, the power of storytelling, and my studies in music, visual arts, photography, and literature. From these sources, I’ve created a synthesis which I call Integrated Practice, a practical method of embodying mindfulness, solving problems, and achieving good health.
Good health means being alert, open-minded, and energized. Good health means being free from pain—and being able to cope constructively when pain is there. Good health means having some degree of control regarding the unfolding of your destiny from day to day.
Good health is your response to everything that happens in your life. Good health is a creative act, in which your intellect and imagination guide your reactions, gestures, and movements.
I offer lessons, workshops, and online consultations, adapted to your needs and circumstances.
My clients have included men and women in business, health, law, and many other occupations, as well as children, adolescents, and college students. Read their testimonials here.
I live in Paris, France and travel all over the world.
Thanks to my extensive training as a musician, I coach musicians of all styles and abilities. From 2015 to 2023 I was a Visiting Professor at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow.
I’ve gathered my concepts and tools in books, articles, and essays. My blog touches upon many dimensions of the creative life.
In recent years I’ve offered a certificate training in Integrated Practice. This pilot program is temporarily suspended partly because of the pandemic. Click here to examine the curriculum.

Click here to contact me or to subscribe to THE INTEGRATED PRACTICE newsletter. Below is my creative stream of video clips, audio clips, and photos.
Over images recorded by Blaine Rawdon, I created a soundtrack with two improvisatory compositions of mine using a Native American flute.