Of Sound Body and Mind: A workshop with Pedro de Alcantara and Frank Kane
Explore your identity as a maker and receiver of sounds.
Experience the pleasures of sonic vibration.
Expand your awareness of sound, in yourself and in the world around you.
When: Saturday & Sunday, May 23 & 24, 2015. From 10 AM to 4 PM, with a one-hour lunch break. Bonus: on Monday, May 25 from 10 AM to 1 PM: optional Practice Lab. At no extra fee, come play with your new sonic tools in the company of your new sonic friends!
Where? Studio Le Regard du Cygne, 210 rue de Belleville, 75020 Paris. Métro: Télégraphe. Many shops and restaurants nearby.
For Whom: Anyone interested in skills of observation, creativity, mindfulness, and adaptability. Limited to 12 participants. Past participants have included artists, musicians, singers, writers, health professionals, public speakers, and creative individuals. No previous experience needed.
How Much: €250. Payment ensures your registration. Cancellations are cost-free up to May 10, when payments become non-refundable unless someone else takes your place. Email me if you'd like to register or to if you have any questions.
Of Sound Body and Mind: Workshop Program
1. Listen & Feel. To live is to make sounds, perceive sounds, give and receive sounds. To some degree, then, your health and happiness are dependent on how you dwell in the world of sound. Which sounds do you pay attention to, which ones do you ignore? Which sounds do you perceive as caressing, which as aggressive? In this segment we’ll study several exercises to expand the awareness of sound and the relationship between sound, identity, coordination, and good health.
2. To Communicate is to Vibrate. A special segment taught by Frank Kane. Drawing on 30 years of experience studying, singing, and teaching the complex vocal polyphony of the Republic of Georgia, Frank has distilled elements of Georgian vocal technique and transformed them as tools for interpersonal cohesion. He'll show us how vibration is a vital component of human communication and group interaction--in singing as well as in other aspects of our lives.
3. Droning. A drone is a continuous sound, usually low in pitch. Your daily life contains mechanical drones such as the sounds made by your washing machine or by car motors, leaf blowers, and passing helicopters. Droning sounds are also often used in music--for instance, when a cellist draws an open string continuously. Drones can be "noise" or "sound" or "music," depending on how you react to them. In this segment we'll learn how to use drones to become attentive and attuned to the environment.
4. Sound healing. The soothing voice of a dear friend, a child's laughter, a special song, and many other sounds in your life have the power to lift your spirits, change your mood, and help you be well. In this segment we'll practice the art of using sounds and vibrations just to feel good in body and mind.