The Drawing Lab
New Zoom sessions: Fridays, March 21 and 28, 2025; April 4 and 25, 2025.
8 PM Paris (7 PM UK & Portugal, 2 PM New York) lasting 90 minutes, plus an extra 30 minutes for self-directed work.
Come and go as you please. Take one session, take all sessions.
Please email me if you have a question or if you’d like to register.
The process of drawing is an invitation to self-discovery and love, as demonstrated by every happy little kid with a crayon in her hands. In the online Drawing Lab we explore vision, space, the body and the hands, the handling of objects and materials, and the pleasure of expressing ourselves by reacting creatively to what we see in the world. Also, we draw, and draw again, and draw some more.
No experience necessary.
No skills necessary.
No judgment necessary!
I run these sessions on a donation basis, with no minimum payment required.
My pedagogical tools include my understanding of The Natural Way to Draw, a marvelous book by Kimon Nicolaïdes; my experience in developing and sharing psychomotor skills; my pleasure in telling stories and jokes to open up the mind and the heart; and my love of the creative impulse that resides inside every human being. In this Lab, having fun is number one, and learning (which is optional) is number two.
What do you need ahead of joining a lab session? I recommend that you gather a variety of pencils (including thick ones like 3B, 4B, 5B, and 6B) and pens and markers, plus notebooks large and small, plus loose sheets of blank paper, plus scrap paper. But you’re the boss of your own lab. If all you have at your disposal is a single pencil and some paper, you’ll be able to have a wonderful time anyway.
Feedback from previous participants:
Just to appreciate how much I've really enjoyed the drawing lab. I did surprise myself and that's what's so good about the format you set up . . . the thinking brain does have a way of getting in the way. That was a great process you invited us to join in. (BR)
Thank you for this most original and pedagogically sound approach to the underlying principles, even if you did avoid addressing any of them explicitly! (MP)
Wow indeed Pedro, it was a total pleasure! Thanks for the journey. (NL)
Un grand merci et mes chaleureuses félicitations pour le Drawing Lab. Un triomphe ! (FXC)